
Showing posts from October, 2021

I Am...

I am a man. I am an only child to a mother I cherish, a step father I will forever be conflicted over and a father I    never knew, and never cared to. I am a father myself. I am a husband to the only woman I ever knew I wanted to marry the moment I laid eyes on her. I am lazy at times. I am not a "know-it-all," contrary to what some may believe. I am sporadically ambitious. I am confident in myself, yet full of personal doubts. I am happy being alone, but miss my family when thus. I am a really good writer and I know it. I am always looking to improve and learn something new. I am not proud of certain parts of my past. I am still seeking my one do-over in life. I am a fool for ruining my dream thanks to heaping doses of indolence, immaturity and obstinacy. I am happy that I achieved this dream, though. I am still annoyed that I wasted those six and a half years between 1991-1997. I am a dog person and love all of my pups. I am not getting any younger. I am happy and content