Late Day Sun

From the back porch step
the late day sun intensely shines
through the swaying of tree branches,
providing shade from the burning rays.

At one time, in this yard, many trees stood tall and proud.
Pine predominated and rose high above.
They proved excellent for climbing.
Alas, they are no more.
Victims of time, disease and
my younger self's affinity for tree houses.

Groups of birds overhead
dart from east to west and north to south
in a coordinated flurry,
apparently in search of insects aloft
for a quick meal.

They dance a winged ballet,
tossing their feathered wings symmetrically
with ease and grace.
I observe them scattering, 
then reappearing,
before disappearing from view.

The pre-autumn breeze soothes my tired
summer sun-drenched and overheated body.
I dream of cold winter nights,
the scent of fireplaces and
chilled breath.

I witness the myriad leaves,
tired and shriveled,
awaiting their destiny.
The grass lays below with open arms.


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