A Welcome Guest

Another work day concludes.
I head out to my newly-purchased, used 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee and
gleefully open both front windows,
letting the spring air circulate through past my face.

In an instant, a little winged friend,
its particular species I am unfortunately ignorant of,
flies in through the open passenger window and
perches itself on my phone charging wire.

After being briefly startled by this unexpected guest
I compose myself and welcome this beautiful bird into my car.
We exchange glances, seeming to make eye contact more than once.
I then utter a hello, "hey there little buddy," 
caring not that it obviously doesn't understand me.
"How are you doing today?" I ask.

To this it cocks its tiny head to my left.
How lucky I am for this moment.
This must be a sign. A good sign I'd say.
Thoreau would be amused and enthralled by this.

I calmly reach out my right hand,
attempting to persuade it to perch itself on my finger,
but, alas, he thought the better of it,
for that's a bird's natural instinct
thanks to thousands of years of negative interaction with us brutish humans,
and decided to fly away.

I leave the parking lot and head for home
with a smile and a feeling of, again, being one with nature.


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