
Showing posts from June, 2020

Our Right for Equality and Competent Political Representation

We have a moral, ethical and, ultimately, a political choice to make in our lives. We live today, in 2020, in a country that is divided not only politically, morally, ethically, religiously and environmentally, but above all else, economically. Nineteenth century author and Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson proclaimed that man need live a life of "self-reliance" free from the fetters of government subsistence, religious dogma and societal handouts. Over time, though, particularly here in these United States of America, we have seen this mantra of individual freedom leave many destitute, lacking even the most basic of human needs, such as food, clothing, housing, education and health care. What good, may I ask, are these freedoms when many of our own country's citizens suffer day-in and day-out due to inequities in our political system? How may we call ourselves a Christian nation when we willingly ignore the pleas of the poor and the cries of the hungry? Is not h