Our Right for Equality and Competent Political Representation

We have a moral, ethical and, ultimately, a political choice to make in our lives. We live today, in 2020, in a country that is divided not only politically, morally, ethically, religiously and environmentally, but above all else, economically.

Nineteenth century author and Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson proclaimed that man need live a life of "self-reliance" free from the fetters of government subsistence, religious dogma and societal handouts. Over time, though, particularly here in these United States of America, we have seen this mantra of individual freedom leave many destitute, lacking even the most basic of human needs, such as food, clothing, housing, education and health care.

What good, may I ask, are these freedoms when many of our own country's citizens suffer day-in and day-out due to inequities in our political system? How may we call ourselves a Christian nation when we willingly ignore the pleas of the poor and the cries of the hungry? Is not humanity a more moral creature than this? Whether one truly believes in biblical scripture makes one not less of a loving or caring individual. For I am living proof, yet I find that my heart and mind resonate with the words of Luke 12:48, "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him, shall be much required."

We live today in a society controlled by the powerful and influential vicissitudes of corporate heathens, who prey like wolves upon the most vulnerable and ethically malleable of our society: the morally deficient politicians that lack the personal backbone and fortitude to stand up and fight for what, and whom, they truly believe in and represent. When the duly and democratically elected officials, whom we rely upon to advocate on our behalf, fail to represent us and instead capitulate their morals and ethical compasses for the misguided ways of avarice to money and power, it is our obligation, as free citizens, to demand better, and if need be, after many years and decades of failure and ignorance, reduce the bricks of the ineffectual political foundation to rubble.

A house, or a nation for that matter, will not stand strong, erect and steady with a weakened foundation. Today, our foundation here in America is being irreparably corroded by the rust and rot of political and corporate malfeasance. While the rich and privileged of corporate America heap immoral and unethical praise and payouts upon weak-kneed politicians, who seek only to retain their offices at any cost, it is us, the humble citizens of America who stabilize this nation's foundation, that are being beaten down, spat upon and abused. Our tired and oppressed shoulders can no longer support the weight of this crumbling foundation. We demand change!

If American government, as it stands today in 2020, is unwilling and unable to look out for and support its citizens, and especially its most vulnerable of them, then I ask, why should we continue to support a system and its players that do not care about us? What choices do we have? Is it feasible today to think and live like Emerson and rely on a citizenry that takes matters into their own hands and depends upon the ethos of "self-reliance" or, as a nation of nearly 400 million with unfathomable riches, should we demand that this nation, and by extension all of us as individuals, look out for each and every one of us just as Luke stated in 12:48?

America has been humbly endowed with immense financial riches that make us the envy of many across the world, but morally and ethically we are as weak as a deadened tree branch. Let us not forget these words, "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him, shall be much required." No matter your economy or your charity, one may not carry the torch of Christianity if they vow to keep all that they have reaped without regard for their neighbor's plight no matter their race, color, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation or political affiliation.

We should demand a political institution that puts, first and foremost, the common citizen, us, above the rich, powerful and corrupt corporate and political elite. Let us act not just in words, but also in deeds, to our Christian nation's ethos of giving to the poor and less fortunate among us. A democracy that preserves our hard-fought rights to personal and political freedom while bringing together, for the good of all, our enormous wealth and industry to help lift up the poorest of our brothers and sisters throughout American society. We, as a people and a civilization, are only as profitable spiritually as the lowliest among us.

Do not speak of greed, do not lack empathy, do not lack common decency towards your fellow man and expect pity in return. Let us strive to achieve the better angels of our souls rather than crawling through the gutters of immorality. Let us demand full equality for all Americans! Equality in the hearts and minds of our politicians, corporate leaders and, especially, our fellow human beings.


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