Going for a Walk

A mid-afternoon walk, I follow the bending road.
I stop to reflect at the water's edge.
My folded arms rest on the bulkhead as I gaze off into the distance.
The seagulls chirp and sing merrily,
playing games to keep themselves amused
while sitting on a wooden post, basking in the sun's warmth.
With its greenish countenance, 
the choppy bay waters sparkle beneath the sun's intense rays.
Cool breezes bring relief to my baking arms.
The inconvenient noise of construction vehicles temporarily 
interrupts the creative voices in my head.
I imagine that the trees standing tall across the bay are the lucky ones, 
for they live in relative silence while making use of their vast
canopy to drown out such disruptions.
I continue to walk farther on down the road.
I find much peace in meandering without purpose.
My day's nothingness means everything to me, fulfills me.
At this moment I am calm, content and at peace.


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