Wiser With Age

I write this today
many years later
a confessional of sorts

It is my version
of facing the parish priest
in front of the curtained screen

At nineteen
you were the last person whom I wished to see
Day-in and day-out and utterly unremarkable
The lectures, the notes, the early mornings so sluggish
The homework, the questions on topics of such rubbish

At twenty-three
I said adios to your textbooks, chalkboards and pencils
For a better world
full of work, paychecks and professional credentials
Oh the years passed by
without a thought of your countenance
Why do I need that piece of paper to prove my life’s importance?

At forty-six 
the years have made me wiser
my mind seeks knowledge
so I returned to your classroom
more mature, apologetic and with courage

I now relish your discussions
to follow your discretions
my years to come
will be fuller as I submit to life's
boundless limitations

So toss my way
a ten thousand word paper and
watch me astound you.


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