No Walls Between Us

The cosmos erupted billions of years ago into a fiery ball of gases,
shattered stars, rocky fragments and debris.
Confine the stars barriers did not.
The corporeal matter co-mingled, congealed and became one.

Earth was born from this devastatingly-beautiful galactic tragedy.
This nascent floating orb, with its virgin soil and dust-choked air,
did not regale in exclusion, for foreign organic ingredients were
vital towards assuring its growth.

Early on, animals roamed free across the continents and soon man
would join them. Those four-legged and winged creatures understood
the limitless terrains and skies.
For them, borders and walls were unconscionable.

The timid and afraid say that the walls that man has erected keep us
safe from foreign adversaries.
These obstructions are immoral and serve no socially-redeeming value.
They only barricade us from those whom we do not know,
stifle our intellectual capacity to learn what we know not,
and turn would-be friends and neighbors into must-be invaders and strangers.

Walls turn lovers into haters, the open range into cookie-cutter
subdivisions and a compassionate heart into a blackened lump of coal.
It darkens our lives, neglects our fellow man and closes off our hearts.

Are we superior to those aforementioned four-legged and winged beasts?
I am afraid not.
The grass beneath their feet and wind under their wings carried them
onward, towards a barrier-free promised land.

Remain humble, for they have long known the answers to our questions.
Only with clear minds and open hearts may we rise above the walls
that keep us from understanding the truth.


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