Cold Dark Night

There are moments in life that bring new meaning to our existence.
A sort of wake up call during the tired slumber of a winter's evening.

We were seemingly nowhere, surrounded by the vast and frigid openness,
the stars prancing on our foreheads while pins of light moved indiscriminately
overhead. We are not alone in this infinite universe. 

I light the flashlight intermittently, just in case, 
for I've heard stories of mountain lions surprising unsuspecting travelers in the wild.
Even in the dead of winter the weary feel famished and I wish not to be
this evening's tasty hors d'oeuvres.

All around, the mountains tower over me, render my life and I small and
insignificant. This happens to a man amidst the enormity of nature and 
it is I that owe it my gratitude.
I am no longer the man I was before, forever altered by nature's seductive
wind-swept kiss. 


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