
Showing posts from September, 2018


Oh sweet Evangeline, for thy shall dearly miss your warm southern sun, but fear not, for I am nearer than the moon and stars that run.

The Cabin in the Woods

Summer dawns and the days are filled with warm sunshine.  School's in recess, the kids delight while my weary head welcomes the additional sleep at dawn.  Yearly we conceive a new and unfamiliar adventure to undertake.  For this year new challenges beckon.  For the kids, a week by themselves with the in-laws.  For us, a week alone in a rustic Maine cabin. Along with our two, seven-year-old dogs, we cram our supplies into a four-door hatchback.  A large roof packing bag holds our essentials from clothes, the kid's toys, camp tools, water jugs, dog food and water bowls, and for entertainment, our Scrabble board game.  Preparation is certainly much easier than past excursions.  No tents, no sleeping bags, no outdoor cooking utensils and no concern of soaked belongings.  For this trip will take us back in time to an age before electricity, indoor plumbing and bathrooms.  My enthusiasm for this temporary lifestyle adjustment is genuine.  Love it, I will. I imagine a simple cabin, s